Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happiness from within!

I'm so nervous to click on my com and check my results!
Can't sleep on the day before is cracking me up!
My results was good.
Maintain my standards.
Current GPA 3.5. Cumulative 3.7.
Not bad huh?


On the following day of the release of my ITE results was the release of JPAE.
Once again I'm suffering from insomnia these 2 days!
Was so nervous checking my JPAE results!

And the results was?
Congratulation Yam Hui Ping!
You have been posted to NP - Ngee Ann Polytechnic Accountancy

I was like, crap!
I wanted SP!
But on the other hand I was happy because known to everyone, NP IS the best business school.
So what can I say?
Fantastic! I felt like finally there is something I can proud of now!
Can't wait to feel what is like to be a poly student!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I wish I could enjoy my long holidays to the max but sadly I need to earn a living!
So I'm working more then normal.
Temporary I'm not a student anymore till the Poly wants me.
I'll hope the accept me!
Please ^_^

I finally got a chance to meet up with Putri and Lynette.
It was nice to get away from work and all those stressful things.
It was?
Nothing but AWESOME!

More AWESOMENESS is on the way.
USS on 25.03.2011!
Just thinking of it makes me excited!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Can Do It!

2 more months and I think I can deal with it! Hwaiting!!
I have tolerated for a year so 2 months ain't much of a problem to me.
Best of luck!